Pepperell Mill Campus Cleanup | A Fun Time Lapse Video

For the past many months we’ve been on a project documenting quite a few things around the Pepperell Mill Campus, our home base for where we live, where we work, and enjoy so many aspects of our life. How does the Pepperell Mill Campus cleanup fit into all this? Well, not directly, for sure, other than this is where we ourselves park our cars. The time lapse idea comes from a series of similar productions we put together four months ago when one of the campus structures was dismantled to have all its parts saved for reuse. We were first asked to capture some still photos of the front of Building 18 on the campus when there we no cars in the lot, and one of those shots is shown here:

Pepperell Mill Campus cleanup, a fun time lapse video

Above, a panoramic rendition of some of the Pepperell Mill Campus. Visible at least in part here are, from left, Buildings 20, 19, 36, 18, 17, and the Boiler Plant. That’s the base of the 175′ stack, a city landmark, at the far right.

Anyhow, the fact the lot was going to be swept and painted planted the idea that it would be a great chance to do a time lapse of the project: from the early morning hours, to the tenants and residents removing their vehicles, to the arrival of the work crew, to an occasional delivery vehicle, to the sweeping, the attendant dust, the final clean-up, and then the painting. With a detailed blueprint as guidance for the crew, first the yellow parking lanes appear, then the striped no-parking areas (did you know that line striping pros even have their own version of “white-out”……well, really, “black-out”?), then handicapped signage, directional arrows, and, finally, white stop words and lines. This “video” is really 5,400~ high-definition still images blended to run at 30 images per second for a total of just three minutes. The time starts around 6AM and ends around 7PM on Saturday, April 30, 2016.

Take a look at the fun. Watch the sun rise, the beautiful pastel colors in the sky, and the shadows of the campus buildings travel through the lot all day. See if you notice the 1/30th of a second cameo appearance of a local pigeon, too!
Note: if you don’t want music, please mute your speakers. If you do want so extra “mood”, turn them up!

Technical considerations: Available in HD up to 4k resolution but you’ll need a fast connection. If your buffer is filling try the 720p HD setting.

If you enjoyed this post on the Pepperell Mill Campus cleanup and striping, we would love for you to post a comment below, AND sharing would be awesome too! Thank you!!
Russell and Liz Caron are Maine wedding photographers at Russell Caron Wedding Photography, living and working in the Pepperell Mill Campus. They put the fun into wedding photography for Maine wedding couples! Feel the love as this dynamic pair effortlessly capture each of your cherished moments, producing natural poses and unparalleled art for your special day. For more information, please contact us right away!