Custom Wedding Photography Editing Service

Get your life back!
If you love photographing weddings but don’t love editing weddings, we’re perfect for you!
We work together to fine-tune the workflow so the vast majority of post-wedding work falls on us, not on you. We can even customize the workflow so you do as little as you want to.
Not just another outsourcing company-we're full service for you
Our service is unique: we’ll not just edit your wedding photos for you in your style, we’ll also cull the whole set, too!
Your weddings are edited by hand by a Master Wedding Photographer
Using state-of-the-art systems (Mac Studio and advanced workflow peripherals), Russell Caron hand-culls, then hand-edits your full wedding set. Under your direction for the number of images to deliver and using your toning preferences, your full set is ready and will be returned to you in, usually, a matter of just a few days. Russ is a Master Photographer, Master Wedding Photographer, Photographic Craftsman, and Certified Professional Photographer (all by the Professional Photographers of America) with extensive experience in all aspects of the wedding photography market.
How it works
Our standard workflow: After you’ve photographed the wedding, you download and backup your images in your customary manner to your own system. You then export the photos as a Lightroom catalog with Smart Previews. This file is then compacted (‘zipped’) and sent to us to be edited. It’s then culled and toned per your style and instructions, and returned to you. It’s then ready for your export to your gallery for client delivery.
All those hours saved are yours to do as you wish!
Other workflows are available, too! Let’s chat.
Use the contact form below for more information, and learn how we are ready to help you get your life back! We’ll get back to you very shortly.