Maine Wedding Photographer, Maine Wedding Photographers, Maine Wedding Photography, Boston Wedding Photographers, Boston Wedding Photography, Boston Wedding Photographer

It was the beginning of a very beautiful and long 4th of July holiday weekend (June 30, exactly) in Chatham MA.  Leah and Rob ended up making the great choice of the Chatham Bars Inn for their ceremony, and it worked splendidly for them and their many friends and guests! The above photo was taken at a nearby Chatham beach, and I love how, despite the great weather, there was nearly no one around this gorgeous piece of earth.
Maine Wedding Photographer, Maine Wedding Photographers, Maine Wedding Photography, Boston Wedding Photographers, Boston Wedding Photography, Boston Wedding PhotographerJust before the wedding, after a very fun and emotional first-look, Leah was sent by Rob to her hotel suite.. to be surprised by the gift of a classic pink retro style bicycle.  Her face says it all.
Maine Wedding Photographer, Maine Wedding Photographers, Maine Wedding Photography, Boston Wedding Photographers, Boston Wedding Photography, Boston Wedding PhotographerAnd, as if the day wasn’t good enough, why not end things with a warm, coral-colored sunset, just for good measure.